Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area
About Us
Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics for Fostering & Rescue Volunteers

As a member of the Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area, I pledge to fully comply with and satisfy the following terms and conditions:


1. To agree that the work of the FRSO be conducted as a non-profit endeavour, whether on behalf of an organization recognized by the province, the federal government or the work of one or more private individuals.

2. To agree that any work I do with the FRSO is on a voluntary basis, and I will receive no personal compensation for said work.

3. To educate potential adopters about the unique challenges regarding the ferret as a pet (i.e. temperament, health, training, care, etc.).

4. To ensure that each and every volunteer is educated and aware of the standards of the FRSO and our methods of providing fostering, adoption screening, temperament evaluation, transportation, fundraising and educational outreach.

5. To agree that I will not in any way use my rescue volunteering to promote my personal website, business, opinion, or other personal endeavours, nor will I utilize rescue discounts for my own personal use.

6. To inoculate all animals in my home against infectious diseases by having inoculations administered by my veterinarian on a regular basis according to standard accepted practice.

7. To educate the public about the importance of recognizing common diseases in the domestic ferret both by way of setting an example by having my own pet’s remain in good health and by education.

8. To agree to abide by the rules and regulations as outlined in the By-laws of the FRSO.



1. To house rescued ferrets in my care under sanitary conditions which exceed all minimum standards as defined by local health and sanitation authorities. The ferret(s) will not be allowed to roam without supervision, nor will the ferret(s) be physically restrained to any inanimate objects (trees, cable run, parking meters, etc.).

2. To provide, upon prior Board approval, appropriate routine and emergency veterinary care for fostered rescue ferrets including regular inoculations and administration of any type of medication if applicable.

3. To ensure that rescued animals are free of parasitic infestations.

4. To provide appropriate and sufficient food, clean water, and shelter for all animals in my care to ensure their health, comfort and well-being.

5. To ensure all fostered ferrets in my care are fed appropriate, board approved, food and are provided with appropriate, board approved, litter. An up-to-date list of approved food and litter can be obtained from any Board member at any time.

6. To assess each animal's temperament and health and exercise sound judgment to assure its suitability for placement. The FRSO will not knowingly place an aggressive or otherwise temperamentally unsound animal in a foster home, without full disclosure and acceptance by prospective caregivers.

7. To agree that rescued ferrets deemed unadoptable for reasons of health or temperament will remain in the care of one of the highly experienced members.

8. To contact the FRSO on a monthly basis, via telephone or email, and provide an update on the foster ferret’s health, temperament and general well being.

9. To contact a member of the FRSO Board immediately if the ferret is lost, stolen, injured, ill or deceased and to ensure the recommendations of the Board are carried out.



1. To provide the approved FRSO Adoption Application set out as Appendix D to the FRSO by-laws and once completed, thoroughly interview potential adopters utilizing the FRSO methods (i.e. phone interview, home visit, and face to face interview) with the goal of appropriate placement of each individual animal. The FRSO reserves the right to require that the primary adopter is suitably mature and that all members of the home agree to the adoption.

2. Paragraph Removed.

3. To utilize a written Adoption Contract, as set out in Appendix E to the FRSO by-laws, which fully discloses all available health and temperament information about each rescue animal.

4. To provide follow-up advice and assistance to adopters and to assist them in finding the appropriate information needed for the proper care of the ferret(s).

5. To reclaim any rescue animal placed by the FRSO at the request of an adopter. Refund of adoption fee is no longer viable after the seven (7) day acclimatization period.

6. To maintain a waiting list of interested adopters when requests to adopt exceed available animals.

7. To ensure that, in order to prevent their unlawful usage, the FRSO does not release the original documentation of any rescue animal to the adopter.



1. To conduct myself in a courteous manner in my volunteer work such that my behaviour brings credit to the image of the FRSO and animal rescues in general.

2. To keep all information received through the FRSO pertaining to potential adopters, volunteers and/or persons surrendering animals confidential. No personal names or information regarding ferrets surrendered may be used in a public forum.

3. To agree that the release of any personal information pertaining to any member of the FRSO, to any third party or parties, without the member's express written consent, is prohibited.

4. To exercise good-will in all my interactions with the FRSO, the Board and other members of the Society.

Undertaking to Foster

I _____________________________ undertake to foster the following ferret(s) who are known and identified

as ____________________________________________.

I understand that FRSO will be responsible for all vet care necessary while the ferret is in my care only if prior authorization has been given by the FRSO. In case of a medical emergency, the ferret must be given necessary treatment and the FRSO must be notified immediately. I agree that the ferret(s) I am fostering will not be removed from my care or disposed of in any way without prior approval of the FRSO. While the opinion of the fosterer will be given due and serious consideration, one of the Board Members will determine the final placement of the ferret(s) in a permanent home.

I release from indemnity and hold the FRSO, its Board and members harmless from any damages, injury, loss or liability, howsoever caused by foster ferrets in my care, whether to property, ferrets or other animals or humans in my household.

Violation of the FRSO Code of Ethics for Foster & Rescue Volunteers is grounds for revocation of membership and / or further action by the FRSO.

DATED at ________________________ this _____ day of ________________


Name (please print)



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Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area
All Rights Reserved

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