Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area

Boarding Contract

I understand that Volunteers for the Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area (FRSO) provide the boarding services and that I will be responsible for any and all expenses resulting from ear mites, fleas, ticks and communicable diseases that are brought into the volunteer homes by my ferret(s). I will ensure my ferret(s) are free of ear mites by ensuring that an ear mite test is conducted on all my ferret(s) at least two weeks prior to their boarding. If needed, I will make arrangements with the FRSO to examine ear swabs at no charge.

The FRSO and its volunteers will take full responsibility for the ferret(s) while in our care and will make sure that they are as comfortable as possible. We promise to keep them in safe, clean and in spacious quarters while they are in our care, and play with them and feed them as described by you, the owner. We also promise that the ferrets will not be removed from the premises of the FRSO volunteer without the consent of their owner.

If the ferret(s) become ill during their stay the FRSO and its volunteers will do everything that is necessary to provide medical attention. If necessary, we will take your ferret(s), at your expense, to a vet of our choice. By signing below, you agree, as owner of the ferret(s) that FRSO representatives and volunteers have the authority to make any decisions concerning the well being of your ferret(s) in the event that you or your emergency contact cannot be reached. The FRSO and its volunteers will not be responsible for any medical problems past or present that are not brought to our attention. They also cannot be held liable for any accident or illness that occurs during the ferret’s stay.

Ferrets will be returned to you with as many personal items that can be found or were not destroyed by the ferrets. Please not that ferrets’ coats and weights may change over an extended stay due to seasons, diet change and/or change in routines.

I agree to the terms of this agreement as owner of above named ferret(s), and also agree that payment is due and payable upon completion of the boarding services. Long-term boarding (over 30 days) requires 50% of the boarding fee payable in advance with the balance due upon pickup. Any ferret left in the care of the FRSO after Thirty (30) days without contact from the owner or partial payment in advance becomes the property of FRSO.

Ferret Information:

Name: ______________________________ Age: ______________

Colour: _____________________________ Sex: _______________

Vaccination dates: Rabies ___________ Distemper: ___________

Health History:__________________________________________



Name: ______________________________ Age: ______________

Colour: _____________________________ Sex: _______________

Vaccination dates: Rabies ___________ Distemper: ___________

Health History:__________________________________________



Name: ______________________________ Age: ______________

Colour: _____________________________ Sex: _______________

Vaccination dates: Rabies ___________ Distemper: ___________

Health History:__________________________________________



Name: ______________________________ Age: ______________

Colour: _____________________________ Sex: _______________

Vaccination dates: Rabies ___________ Distemper: ___________

Health History:__________________________________________



Ferret Details:

Preferred Food: __________________________________________

Preferred Treats: _________________________________________

Preferred Toys: __________________________________________

What do your ferrets drink from? Bowl  Bottle  Both

Are your ferrets used to being caged?  Yes  No

Comments: _____________________________________________

Do your ferrets use the litter box?  Yes  No

Comments: _____________________________________________

Temperament? Shy   Assertive   Aggressive   Biter  
  Nippy   Hyper   Quiet

If your ferret is a biter, when does it usually bite?


Animals that the ferrets have lived with:   Cat   Fish

Dog (type):________________ Bird (type):___________________

Other: _________________________________________________

Are your ferrets comfortable with strangers?  Yes  No

Ear mite tests?   Yes  No    Date ____________  Positve  Negative

ADV Tested?      Yes  No   Date ____________  Positve  Negative

Veterinarian Name: _________________________________

Veterinarian Phone #: _______________________________

Other things can you tell us about your ferrets:




Supplies Furnished:

Food: ______________________________________________

Treats: ____________________________________________



Cage: ______________________________________________

Sleep Sacks:________________________________________

Litter Box: _________________________________________




Owner Information:

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

City: _____________________________ Province: _________

Postal Code: ________________________________________

Phone # s Work: _______________ Home: _______________

Lodging: ___________________________________________

E_Mail Address: ____________________________________

Alternate Contact: ___________________________________

Phone #: __________________

Certification and Signatures:

I _________________________________ certify that I am 18 years

of age or older and that I understand that I am responsible for any and

all veterinary expenses that occur as described above. I will pay the

Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa (FRSO) and Area $7 per day for

boarding one ferret plus $1 per day for each additional ferret from

___________________ (start date), to _________________(return date).

In the event of an emergency, I authorize the FRSO to pay up to

$________ for emergency care during the ferrets stay with the FRSO.

In the event that the expense exceeds this amount, I authorize the

1) surrender of the ferret to the FRSO or 2) euthanasia of the ferret at

my cost (circle choice). By signing this document, both parties agree to

the terms listed above and that all information is true and accurate.

Owners Signature:


Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area Volunteer:


